I went to meet up and have coffee with a friend a week ago. She told me that the world is your oyster, but you just got to find your pearl. Not really understanding this statement I had to look up some things on oysters and pearls. The saying first came out in “The Merry Wives of Windsor” by William Shakespeare. It means that you have the ability or power to achieve anything you wish in life or go anywhere because you can.
The Oyster
Oysters are currently on the threatened and endangered list. That is like some of our lives, we are endangered of never taking that risk to achieve our dreams. We live to the world standard that we must go to college, get a good job, and start a family right away. When do we start taking the risk of living especially if you are young. I am not saying do something stupid that will ruin your life but what about that business you wanted to start or going to explore a country. Do not live this safe cookie cutter life because the Bible does not say if trials come but when (James 1:2-4). We are endangered list because we are scared to open the oyster, we are scared to live.
Oysters are sensitive to the water quality and susceptible to coastal pollution. Think about people coming in your life or different events that happen throughout your lifetime. Imagine those like the ocean that surrounds the oyster that influences it where to go and what filters through it. Surround yourself with people that make your water quality or quality of living good/better. The people around you can impact your way of life and your way of thinking (1 Corinthians 15:33, Proverbs 13:20). Watch who you surround yourself with. Learn what to filter in your life and what to listen to so it affects you in a good way. Always be a positive influence to others so they can start filtering in positive things.
People consume oysters and you either like them or hate them. You must be careful not to consume oysters with toxins in them. Oysters can retain toxins in their flesh making them unhealthy and possibly dangerous for consumption. If we are the oyster, have you intaken toxins that will spread to others? Let us use our words for example. “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit (Proverbs 18:21).” When we speak out of anger or speak death over someone, you are leaving a toxic effect on that person. Speak life over others and into your life so that others around you do not consume toxins that can hurt them.
The Pearl
The pearl is a cool gem and is different from other because it is produced by a living organism as a result of an injury. It usually starts forming when a grain of sand or parasite invades the oyster. The oyster starts to protect itself with nacre by layering the irritant. Out of pain and suffering, the oyster forms this object of beauty known as the pearl. This little particle turns out to be a gem that is worth something.
We are irritants or little grains of sands on God’s creation because of our sins. The good thing is that God loves us, so we are covered in the blood of Christ. Just like the oyster process, He keeps layering us over and over with His love and grace that we become a thing of beauty. Just studying and reading this left me in awe. The pearls formation is a secret just like how God transforms us. John 15:19 says, “If you belong to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.” The world is not aware of where God’s truth is happening and transforming people into beings of beauty.
I want to start a page within the blog where people want to post prays that they need. You do not have to put your name but if you need prayer, we want to be a community and pray together. Whatever it is you are going through, just know that you are not alone.
Dear God,
I pray over anyone who reads this post that you look at your life as the oyster and pearl. That we filter out the bad out of your life and look for the good that comes through it challenge and person. That we use our words to speak life into others and not place toxins within others. Take a step of faith and live a life that God call us to live and not live in fear. In God’s eyes, we are all a thing of beauty but let us accept the work you are doing in each an
everyone of us.